Dan Keinan
Photographer & Filmmaker
Photographer & Filmmaker
As a photojournalist:
My main focus has been reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Throughout multiple wars, I’ve photographed both sides and sought to portray the
consequences of violence suffered by all those in conflict.
I’ve worked as a staff photographer for the prestigious Israeli newspaper and magazine “Haaretz”
and for the Israeli Defense Force magazine,
as well as a freelance contributor to international wire agencies “Associated Press”, “AFP/Getty”,
“Blue Press” and newspapers
such: “Paris Match”, Der-Shpiegel”, and “Wall Street Journal”.
My more recent work is concentrated on the causes and effects that
social and political conditions have on children.
As a filmmaker
My passion for the image remains. From feature/documentary films, as well as promotional and music videos, I produce beautiful visuals that deliver the desired messages,
creating an experience that lasts with the viewer. Recent projects in New York, Berlin, Moscow and Israel.
Clients include:
The Moscow Symphony Orchestra (Russia), The Brooklyn Botanical Gardens (NY), TV Noir (Germany),
Nearpod Mobile Classroom(US), The Grinberg Method (Germany), and Orthotics Specialized (Israel).
As an artist
My fine art work is strongly influenced by Flemish paintings. The images encapsulate the idea of
humanity’s creation through the transience of space and time, and how the entity of an
individual is caught within the confrontations of society, social norms and environment.
My work has been shown in galleries and exhibitions globally.
My main focus has been reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Throughout multiple wars, I’ve photographed both sides and sought to portray the
consequences of violence suffered by all those in conflict.
I’ve worked as a staff photographer for the prestigious Israeli newspaper and magazine “Haaretz”
and for the Israeli Defense Force magazine,
as well as a freelance contributor to international wire agencies “Associated Press”, “AFP/Getty”,
“Blue Press” and newspapers
such: “Paris Match”, Der-Shpiegel”, and “Wall Street Journal”.
My more recent work is concentrated on the causes and effects that
social and political conditions have on children.
As a filmmaker
My passion for the image remains. From feature/documentary films, as well as promotional and music videos, I produce beautiful visuals that deliver the desired messages,
creating an experience that lasts with the viewer. Recent projects in New York, Berlin, Moscow and Israel.
Clients include:
The Moscow Symphony Orchestra (Russia), The Brooklyn Botanical Gardens (NY), TV Noir (Germany),
Nearpod Mobile Classroom(US), The Grinberg Method (Germany), and Orthotics Specialized (Israel).
As an artist
My fine art work is strongly influenced by Flemish paintings. The images encapsulate the idea of
humanity’s creation through the transience of space and time, and how the entity of an
individual is caught within the confrontations of society, social norms and environment.
My work has been shown in galleries and exhibitions globally.
Educator Experience
Additional Activities
-- Photojournalism --
Working on a range of social/political projects; different projects around the world concentrating on children issues, poverty, drug use, psychological effects in war zones, elderly living below the poverty line and alternative community living.
-- Personal Work --
These bodies of work inquires visually and conceptually The relationship between time, space and the human existence. Exploration of the sensitive subject matter that often are too challenging to face directly.
-- Volunteering --
Using the tool of the photography to assist and raise awareness:
Exhibits & Awards
- 2012- present - Film and produce video content for clients globally.
- 2012- CA for a Pulitzer prize awarded DOP Oded Balilty, in his film shot in NYC.
- 2010 - Present: Teaching a critic class (Creating Realities) at the BFA photo department in the "School of Visual Arts" in NYC.
- 2010- 2012 - Founder "Opportunity4Life" Foundation.
- 2009 - 2010: PhotoGlobal International Artist Residency At the "School of Visual Arts" NY
- 2006 - Present: Staff Photographer for "Haaretz" newspaper, one of three major newspapers in Israel.
- 2006 - 2009: Freelance photographer for "Blue Press" Agency, off shoot of "Gamma" agency.
- 2006 - 2007: Freelance photographer for Associated French press (Getty images/AFP).
- 2003 - 2006: Staff Photographer for the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Magazine.
- 2002 - 2003: Freelance photographer for "Yedioth Tikshoret" - section of a major news network.
- 2000-2001: Certificate in Photographic Studies. Hastudio, Tel Aviv.
Educator Experience
- 2010-2013 - “SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS” BFA Photo Department NY.
- Teaching the course “Creating Realities PHD4866”
- Exploring and investigating the ideas, through philosophy and the substance of the two ideas that reality is made of and by, and photography is a tool that perceive capture and dispatch them both.
- Teaching the course “Creating Realities PHD4866”
- 2009: Brockwood park school UK.
- "Reality and Photojournalism" workshop, engages and explores with the students useful tools in photography, and the way of creating documentary.
- 2010: TA for Italian artist Silvio Wolf at his Seminar BFA class at the "School Of Visual Arts" NY.
Additional Activities
-- Photojournalism --
Working on a range of social/political projects; different projects around the world concentrating on children issues, poverty, drug use, psychological effects in war zones, elderly living below the poverty line and alternative community living.
-- Personal Work --
These bodies of work inquires visually and conceptually The relationship between time, space and the human existence. Exploration of the sensitive subject matter that often are too challenging to face directly.
-- Volunteering --
Using the tool of the photography to assist and raise awareness:
- Amnesty International
- The Peres Center for Peace
- UN ecological project - "Sadhana Forest", India
- Brockwood Park School, UK
- Ananda Ashram - Yoga society US
- "Green Bus Tour” - Green resources center, US
- Yesh Din - Human rights organization, IL
- Yad Be Yad & The President House Foundation (for Kids in Distress), IL
Exhibits & Awards
- 2015: Part of the group show "To Whom it May Concern: Photographs from the Archives of Haaretz Newspaper" at the "Ronald Feldman Fine Arts" gallery in Soho NY,
- 2012: Work held by "Synagogue for the Arts" Gallery, Tribeca NY: "CrossRoads" work (44’x100’) from the series "Trace"
- 2011: Terror: Artists Respond, Dershowitz Center Gallery, Brooklyn NY. Curated by Chava Evans and Yona Verwer. Marks the 10-year anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers and explores the range of psychological, social,and global ramifications of living in the age of terrorism.
- 2010: Work held by The School of Visual Arts: "CrossRoads" work (44’x100’) out of the series "Trace".
- 2010: New Releases, PhotoGlobal, 111 Front Street, Brooklyn, NY: Curated by Marc Joseph Berg , Peter Garfield and James J Williams III (Envoy Gallery), April 22- May 6th
- 2010: X-INITIATIVE Gallery, Chelsea New York - (BYOA) Phase 3: "CrossRoads" work (44’x100’) out of the series "Trace".
- 2010: "Stories of Israel" traveling show. Traveled to 18 different capitals around the world.
- 2009: "Museum of Israel" Tel Aviv. “Local testimony - Edut Mekomit" exhibition. Held annually with The World Press Photo exhibition.
- 2009: "Studio Salon" gallery Tel Aviv: "Self" series (4 prints 44’x44’).
- 2009: "Mugdarim" show Jerusalem
- 2009 - Outdoor exhibition at "Sderot"; “ Growing Under Concrete” series, projected on buildings.
- 2008: “Local testimony - Edut Mekomit"
- Award - Second place series - "Religion and Faith".
- Award - Third place , singles - "Art and Culture".
- Award - Second place series - "Religion and Faith".
- 2008: “Blue Press“ Series Selected for inclusion Annual book. For the "Visa Pour La Image" festival, France.
- 2007: “Local testimony - Edut Mekomit". Award- Second place series - "Society".
- 2007: Award - Permanent Exhibition, over twenty pieces of work at "Galei Tzahal", the most popular radio station in Israel.
- 2006: “AFP” Piece Selected for inclusion Annual book. For the "Visa Pour La Image" festival, France.
- 2006: Award - First place: "Senior Daily Life" exhibition, Jerusalem.
- 2006: "Soldiers Behind the Lens" exhibition “Cameri theater” Tel Aviv - two pieces selected.
- 2005: First place for "70 years of the IDF magazine" Givaatim Theater. One piece selected for the opening and featured in a short film screened at the show.
- 2004: Third place - "Soldiers Behind the Lens" exhibition "Cameri Theater” Tel Aviv.
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